So... my projector housing that was supposed to be rapid prototyped will not be making it into my piece for this show due to scheduling issues in ID beyond my control. I am very disappointed because I spent a lot of time designing the projector and getting the parts ordered and such, to not use it at all. In lieu of a custom made projector, I found a "Plan B" to stand in... a , a cheap toy projector from Wal-Mart (only $75)!
Another big change is that I will be switching to using Max/MSP/Jitter since I am having major meltdown issues w/ my install of Windows and running VVVV. So sad, since I really liked using this program and went through all the trouble to learn it. I decided to go ahead and buy Max/MSP/Jitter since it will be a good program to have under my belt in addition to VVVV.
Dealing with hardware issues has been my bane, but I am glad that I resolved the video component of what I'm working on w/ the media. Here are links to the rough edits of them:
I need to go pickup my projection material tomorrow, as well as pickup some paint to cover the "cradle" of the projector, and stop by a few stores to build a housing for the off-the-shelf projector I am now using.
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